Gerd Free

GERD FREE C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ? ? Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is one of the most common disorders affecting Americans. Indeed, the drugs used to treat GERD are the third leading class of drugs sold. Statins (UGH) , antidepressants (not the greatest of efficacy!), and then Nexium , Zantac , Protonix , Prilosec ,…

Gluten Free

Gluten Free GERD FREE—coming next week! ? ? GLUTEN FREE C. Norman Shealy, M.D, Ph.D. ? Remember that one-third of people are gluten sensitive and this problem can cause ANY known disease! There are a huge variety of gluten-free flours including powders or flours from: Sorghum Rice Buckwheat Amaranth Tapioca Arrowroot Potato Soy Guar gum…


Andropause C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Virtually everyone knows about menopause but few people know about Andropause, the equivalent endocrine change in men. Beginning at age 40 to 50 men almost inevitably produce less testosterone than they did from age 18 to 40. Obviously a wide variety of factors influence the production of testosterone, including…

Anti-depressants and the Pharmacomafia

ANTI-INFLAMMATORY HERBS VERSUS DRUGS Inflammation is perhaps the most common cause of pain. Inflammatory reactions are major contributors to Alzheimer's disease and to Atherosclerosis, including coronary heart disease. Free radicals and C-Reactive protein are the chief lab tests indicating an inflammatory response. Inflammation may occur because of an infection but also is a reaction to…

Dream Power

DREAM POWER C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ? DREAM POWER CAN OUR DREAMS MAKE US WELL?? By Mary Jo Grant, SterlingHouse Publisher, Pittsburgh. $17.95, available at ? Mary Jo is a friend as well as a graduate of Holos University Graduate Seminary. Her book is the culmination of her personal experience of over 500…

Statins Suck!

If there really was a NEED for statin drugs, they MIGHT be worth the risks. On the other hand, there is no need for them. There are many better and safer ways to optimize cholesterol levels. Statins are rife with risks that anyone taking or contemplating taking them should understand. Statins clearly increase the risks…

Why America Flunks Health

WHY AMERICA FLUNKS HEALTH The United States has just dropped to number 41 in longevity, down from number 11 a few years ago. Click here: News – U.S. Lags Behind 41 Nations in Life Span – AOL News Why? It is certainly NOT because of inadequate medical care. In fact Medical ''Care'' is at the…


VEGGIE VEGETABLES In PRIMARY SALAD VEGGIES, I covered the basics for salads and, of course, all of those are veggie vegetables. In addition to one great salad daily, you should have one or two servings of these other true vegetables. Alfalfa sprouts Artichoke Asparagus Avocado Bean sprouts Brown rice — best counted as starch Cardoon…


UN-EQUAL One of the many karmic debts of our ex-Secretary of War is his fostering aspartame on the world. EQUAL is anything but equal, as if being equal to sugar is good!! And of course the FDA is a co-conspirator in the crime of allowing this potentially poisonous material over the counter. Aspartame UNEQUIVOCALLY worsens:…

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