The How of Happiness THE HOW OF HAPPINESS Free Teleseminar! An invitation from Norm Shealy Just a quick reminder: if you havent done so already, reserve your spot to participate in the teleseminar with Sonja Lyubomirsky, PhD, author of The How of Happiness.? This will be an action-packed hour on Dr Lyubomirskys work ?how she…

Mind Body Science

Mind Body Medicine This is a very important week! I am sending this as I don't want you to miss the free teleconference July 9. ? I've just gotten a report that I think you'll want to read. It's written by a colleague of mine who has been a leader in mind/body medicine for years….

Allergies & Immune Function

ALLERGIES? & IMMUNITY C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ?Reminder: My new podcast will begin July 14. If you wish to ask questions, contact me ? ? Allergies are among the most annoying of all problems plaguing humans. And oddities of the immune system are responsible for most infections, cancer and the wide array of…

Will Power

WILL POWER C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. As I see the problems of the world, in order of seriousness: Radical Islam for 1300 years the major terrorists of the world Nuclear energy and contamination Chemical pollution Conversion of food to alcohol for fuel Greed corporate immorality—our food, energy, and drug industries in particular Failure to…


Modern obscenity The Modern Obscenity C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. As I see the problems of the world, in order of seriousness: Radical Islam for 1300 years the major terrorists of the world Nuclear energy and contamination Chemical pollution Conversion of food to alcohol for fuel Greed corporate immorality—our food, energy, and drug industries in…


Physical Fitness, trainers, coaches You can tune in to my live call-in radio program at 2:07 PM, CDT, at ? ? PHYSICAL FITNESS, TRAINERS AND COACHES C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ? As I emphasize repeatedly, nothing is more important than personal health! At the top of my list is physical fitness, which requires…


Medical Renaissance Still time to sign up for the free Health Coach program. See full details at the end of this e-news. MEDICAL RENAISSANCE-THE SECRET CODE? C Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. The most important Holistic Event in 30 years! In 1975 I came to the conclusion that the FUTURE of HEALTH in the United…

Vibrating for Health

C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. For several decades, vibrating exercise has been used in Europe to enhance the performance of athletes. I first became aware of this approach to exercise several years ago and found training devices which sold for $12,000 to $15,000!? About 6 months ago I learned of a device which cost only…

Real Food

Real Food Every week on Thursday at 2:07 until 3:00 PM, Central Time, you can tune into my live radio program on KWTO at You can call in with questions.? REAL FOOD IN AN UNREAL WORLD C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Considering the fact that at lest 80% of all food consumed in the…

Radio Interview

Radio Interview I will be interviewed on Dr. Sherrill Sellmans Radio Show What Women MUST Know on Monday, May 19, 2008, 1 PM, CDT, 2 PM, EDT listen on All the shows are archived. And can be listened to anywhere in the world!? You can also receive it as a Podcast. Norm C. Norman…

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