BONK -A REVIEW ?C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. BONK-The curious coupling of science and sex Mary Roach, W.W. Norton, N.Y., 2008 This is the funniest book I have read in many years! In its 303 pages there are at least 350 great laughs. From artificial testicles for neutered dogs to artificial insemination of pigs, Mary…


YOU CAN BE THE FUTURE OF HEALTH CARE!!! YOU CAN BE THE FUTURE OF HEALTH CARE!!! ?? ??? ??? ?An interview with Caroline Myss was posted on Monday, September 22nd. ? For those that would like to listen,you can access the recording at ?under the direct web??? link of: ? .??? ?Select Dr….

Pony Wisdom for the Soul

PONY WISDOM FOR THE SOUL ? PONY WISDOM FOR THE SOUL ? C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Several years ago I had the great fortune of being introduced to a quite remarkable woman, who has chosen quietly to be a mentor to many, with far less public acknowledgment than the average grade school teacher. She…

Psychiatry and Industry of Death

PSYCHIATRY, AN INDUSTRY OF DEATH (and a current crowd delusion) C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. I was recently interviewed for a documentary on the sins of the PharmacoMafia and shortly thereafter received a DVD and supplement with the above title in caps from the producers, The Citizens Commission for Human Rights, . Thomas Szasz,…


PEANUT BUTTER—NECTAR OF THE GODS C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ? Peanut butter has always been one of my favorite foods, any time of day or night. Whenever a meal is just not satisfying, I finish with a spoonful of Smuckers ?peanut butter. Now, I want to assure you that I have no financial interest…

Preventing Stroke and Other Diseases

Preventing Stroke and Other Diseases C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. On February 19, 2007, the American Heart Association published in CIRCULATION its latest guidelines for women: Diet should be mostly fruits, vegetables, whole grains and high fiber foods, with fish at least twice a week Less than 10% of calories to be saturated fat and…


Healthy Bliss HEALTHY BLISS C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ? . Join me at Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, N.Y., September 5-7 for Healthy Bliss: Creating Happiness from Inside Out. Experience techniques which enhance the natural neurochemicals that ensure happiness: Anandamide, beta endorphin, oxytocin and prolactin. Anandamide is a natural brain/mood peptide which means Bliss. Unfortunately a…

German Cancer Breakthrough

German Cancer Breakthrough Modern Renaissance Medicine is posted to the World Wide Web. By going to you can listen to the first weeks health show on anti-oxidants or the second on depression. You can phone in for future shows by emailing Please pass this message to everyone on your email list! I will…


MELATONIN, GERD & SLEEP C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. The average American now sleeps only about 5 ?hours per night, compared with 10 hours just 200 years ago! There is clear evidence that a vast majority of people NEED 7 to 9 hours of sleep. Ordinarily, in a majority of people, blood levels of serotonin…


Relationship Success The folks at NICABM report that over 300 folks signed up for their free teleseminar the other night. Their next teleseminar is coming up July 14, and yes, thats this Monday. The call is free, but you do need to sign up. Their guest will be Brent Atkinson, PhD, an expert in the…

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