
MINDFULNESS: A Special notice C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. I’ve just read a report on mindfulness that I think you’ll want to read.. One of the reasons I am so excited about it is because it highlights some of the most important research that’s been done on mindfulness, including some intriguing brain imaging studies. Mindfulness…


CORN SYRUP MERCURY POISON! This is critical!? Corn syrup and its high fructose is poison enough. Now it is revealed to be significantly contaminated with mercury. SHOUT to the FOOD MAFIA idiots and the USDA and the FDA and to Congress to stop this poison IMMEDIATELY!? Share this with everyone you know!! ? Mercury Found…

Vitamin D Boosts Immunity

VITAMIN D BOOSTS IMMUNITY ? C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ? Vitamin D has long been known to enhance immune function, even curing tuberculosis of the skin. In the past few years it has been shown to increase naturally body-produced antibiotics!? It has now been repeatedly reported that taking 2000 units of D 3 per…

Health for 2009

HEALTH FOR 2009 C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ? Health is by far the most important goal for everyone. Despite this obvious statement, 97% of Americans do not have the four essentials: No smoking-roughly 75% of adults do follow this essential BMI of 18 to 24-only one third of Americans meet this goal Eat minimum…


RejuvaMatrix ™—A Fundamental Key to Health and Longevity C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ? Just in case you have not noticed, my e-newsletter is titled Youthful Aging. Actually longevity is not nearly as important as HEALTH. My original anti-aging work focused upon applying human DNA frequencies to specific acupuncture circuits which selectively raise DHEA, neurotensin,…


Niacinamide NIACINAMIDE ? C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ? Two weeks ago I wrote about the benefit of Niacin in lowering cholesterol and triglycerides as well as raising HDL cholesterol. Another chemical variation of Niacin, Niacinamide (also called Nicotinamide), has far less effect on cholesterol but it has tremendous ?positive effect on mental status, memory…


Niacin ?NIACIN-TWICE AS EFFECTIVE AS STATINS- & ONE HUNDRED TIMES SAFER! ? C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ? ?Niacin was the first major development in cholesterol therapy. Niacin(vitamin B 3; also called nicotinic acid. No relation to nicotine!) was shown to reduce cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol as early as the mid 1960's, but it…

New Webisode! Carl’s Rebuttal: Part 2

New Webisode! Carl's Rebuttal: Part II ?New Webisode! “Carl's Rebuttal: Part II” In this installment, Carl shares his thoughts on the detriments of cultural isolation as well as the importance of community. Dr. Gladys McGarey MD, Mother of Holistic Medicine, also shares her thoughts. Click here for past Medical Renaissance Series webisodes. Thanks for watching!…

Health Begins Before Conception

? HEALTH BEGINS BEFORE CONCEPTION! ? C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ? Exodus proclaims that “The sins of the father shall be visited upon the sons up to the 7th generation.”?? Price and Pottenger demonstrated 60 years ago that poor nutrition in cats led to congenital malformations by the 4th generation. Most recently it has…

A Christmas Hope List

A CHRISTMAS HOPE LIST C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Not too many decades ago, Christmas shopping began at Thanksgiving weekend. Now the Christmas shopping season has been pushed even before Halloween. This particular year, the world is experiencing the greatest total stress events in over 80 years; most people need to hunker down and learn…

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