Swine Flu Alert

SWINE FLU ALERT ?? C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ? I have had inquiries from friends and subscribers about extra precautions to be used to enhance immune function in view of the swine flu breakout. The following are my essential recommendations. All the products except coconut oil are available at www.selfhealthsystems.com, 888-242-6105. ? BASICS FOR…


HOW CORRUPT IS AMERICAN MEDICINE? ?(C) C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Gary Kohls has given me permission to share with you any of his superb newsletters. This one tells us just how far we have strayed! ? Preventive Psychiatry E-Newsletter # 356 Just How Corrupted Has American Medicine Become? Bruce Levine, PhD. “Laws are…


ADD, ADHD, & OTHER FAIRY TALES, Part I C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.   There is, of course, no question that some children and adults have less ability to focus than others, are more active than others, and may need a different environment in which to thrive. I know scores of adults who say “I…

Anti-Aging, Youthful Aging, Healthy Aging

ANTI-AGING, YOUTHFUL AGING, HEALTHY AGING–The path to Happy Aging ? C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.? Although I prefer words that sound most positive, GOOGLE lists the following: Anti-Aging????????????? 24.1 million listings Youthful Aging?????? 14.7 million listings Healthy Aging???????? 12.7 million listings Positive Aging???????? 11.1 million listings Happy Aging???????????? 1.16 million listings Graceful Aging????????? 0 .2…

Subtle Energy

SUBTLE ENERGY ? C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. A review of THE SUBTLE BODY-An Encyclopedia of Your Energy Anatomy Cyndi Dale, Sounds True, Boulder, 2009 Actually there is nothing but energy—light, sound, magnetic energy The fundamental substance of everything in the universe. The nonphysical factors of our lives are energetic in nature. Energy is characterized…


PharmacoLies, Lies and Damn Lies ? C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. From The Big Muddy River Newsletter “Drug manufacturer Eli Lilly settles $1.42 billion in Zyprexa suit. Pleads guilty to criminal conduct for pushing lethal psychiatric drug Zyprexa?on children and the elderly; pays largest fine in Department of Justice history.” From Dr. Gary Kohls: Friends,…

Testosterone for Life

TESTOSTERONE FOR LIFE—A book review C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. TESTOSTERONE FOR LIFE, Abraham Morgentaler, M.D., McGraw Hill, N.Y., 2009 I heard Dr. Morgentaler’s presentation of this information at the AntiAging Congress in December. The subtitle of the book is enough to make anyone want the details: Recharge your Vitality, Sex Drive, Muscle Mass and…

The Future OD Disease Care

THE FUTURE OF DISEASE CARE ? C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. The following announcement is a terrific alternative to the current health care disaster. I strongly encourage everyone to sign up and then read on as to why this is so important! NICABM is doing a special teleseminar series: New Perspectives on Change. Each week,…


The following is taken from Dr. Gary Kohls Preventive Psychiatry E-Newsletter # 355. Dr. Kohls has given me permission to share with you any of his superb newsletters. I have long enjoyed his commentaries and from time to time you will have an opportunity to read those I consider too important to miss! If you…

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