Ribose for Health & Energy

RIBOSE for HEALTH & ENERGY C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. The most common complaint I have heard is lack of energy. This symptom is almost universal at times and, of course, when it is continuous, it is called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Depression and all chronic illnesses often contribute to varying degrees of fatigue. We manufacture…

Relaxation – Crucial for Health

RELAXATION—Crucial for HEALTH C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. As early as 1929, Edmund Jacobson, in his masterpiece, PROGRESSIVE RELAXATION, demonstrated that 80% of what were at that time called psychomatic diseases (and I would call stress diseases) could be controlled by his form of deep relaxation. By 1932, J.H. Schultz had demonstrated the same effect…


VITAMIN D 3- MOST CRITICAL SUPPLEMENT C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. There is more scientific proof of the efficacy of D 3 than for any drug. It is not only the single most important boost for immune function; it also protects against and assists in recovery from a variety of diseases. First, the deficiency problems….


My friend Deena Spear, one of the great healers I know, recently put me in touch with a man who nearly died from a prescribed Fluoroquinolone drug for a urinary tract infection. He had one of the life-threatening “side effects,” especially common with Levaquin and Tequin. Incidentally, a couple of years ago, within a few…

Thieves for the Fungus Among Us

THIEVES for the FUNGUS AMONG US ? C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Mold is one of the most ubiquitous and obnoxious creatures. For the last 27 years, living in Missouri, which we chose and which we love, mold has been the most prevalent problem. To some extent it is even worse than chiggers. We tend…

Tens for Pain Control

TENS FOR PAIN CONTROL ? C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ? I am amazed at the failure of a majority of physicians and Emergency Rooms to use TENS, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, to treat pain! Since the mid 60's it has been the treatment of choice. It is far safer than any drug and reduces…

Weight Balance with the Trinfinity 8

WEIGHT BALANCE with Trinfinity8 ? C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ? For a number of years I have explored tools to assist weight loss without the number one requirement, WILL POWER, which appears to be missing in a huge majority of overweight people. They will often argue with me about this statement, but I have…


PROBIOTICS ? C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. ? Some 56 years ago , I learned in medical school that individuals on even those early day antibiotics, needed Probiotics. The commercially available one then was Lactinex, containing lactobacillus acidophilus. I have always recommended it, and later the more comprehensive probiotics, to all patients taking antibiotics. It…


NO PROCESSED FOOD IS REAL! .LDN-Low Dose Naltrexone? C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. LDN, at dosages of 1 mg to a maximum of 4.5 mg each night, is currently being used to treat: Multiple sclerosis HIV Fibromyalgia Ulcerative colitis Crohn’s disease Hashimoto’s thyroiditis Parkinson’s disease Rheumatoid arthritis Ankylosing spondylitis Psychogenic erectile dysfunction Cancer, virtually every…


WATER-TO BOTTLE OR NOT! C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. I have written about water before but the following attachment is so potent that everyone should see it!?? http://www.selfhealthsystems.com/water-disaster.pps You may have to copy and paste this in your browser but it is worth it!? I live on a farm and we have great well water….

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