Psychopaths, Sociopaths and Just Plain Crooks

PSYCHOPATHS, SOCIOPATHS AND JUST PLAIN CROOKS Psychopaths, Sociopaths and just plain crooks C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. For years I have joked that I am going to write a 3 Volume series, PSYCHOPATHS I HAVE KNOWN. Most of those I have known are what I call financial psychopaths—like Lehman Brothers, Goldman, Sachs, Bank of America…

Psychic Self-Destruction

PSYCHIC SELF-DESTRUCTION & How to Reverse It by Robert R. Leichtman, M.D., Enthea Press, 88 north Gate station Drive #106, Marble Hill GA 30148, $23. A Review by C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Bob Leichtman is one of the greatest teachers of spiritual health, as well as an outstanding Medical Intuitive. As always, his advice…

Speedy Gourmet

Speedy Gourmet Thirty years ago I wrote SPEEDY GOURMET, dedicated to making healthy meals with a maximum of 20 minutes of prep time. In general, in the past 30 year, I have prepared at least 9000 such meals. As I have said before, real “fast food” is a piece of fruit and some nuts. This…

Medical Misdiagnosis

MEDICAL MISDIAGNOSIS Medical Misdiagnosis C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Why Doctors So Often Get It Wrong – New York Times “With all the tools available to modern medicine — the blood tests and M.R.I.’s and endoscopes — you might think that misdiagnosis has become a rare thing. But you would be wrong. Studies of…

Training for Bliss and Mental Focus

TRAINING FOR BLISS AND MENTAL FOCUS “Training” for Bliss and Mental “Focus” C. Norman Shealy, M.D.,Ph.D. I have focused for some time on optimizing happiness and health. As everyone knows by now, I have personally found my essential oils for activating the Ring of Air to be delightfully positive in relieving depression and anxiety and…


LAMININE C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Sometimes the Universe wants to get your attention. Such has been my experience with Laminine. Knowing my interest in safe life enhancing products, a friend recently sent me 3 packages of it. I took it and, of course, being healthy, I did not notice much. Just as I was…

Future of Energy Medicine

FUTURE OF ENERGY MEDICINE The Future of Energy Medicine C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. The concept of Energy Medicine began officially when Dr. Elmer Green and a few colleagues founded the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy Medicine just a few decades ago. No one title has so perfectly integrated all healing modalities….

Scientific Mainstream and Conventional Medicine

SCIENTIFIC MAINSTREAM AND CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE THE SCIENTIFIC MAINSTREAM & CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D Medscape recently had an article “Is CAM always a Scam?” The gist of the discussion was that a majority of the panel speakers were truly IGNORANT—ignoring facts! Most were opposed to &/or considered alternative practitioners quacks. Now I ask…

Magnesium Lotion Spray

DR. SHEALY’S MAGNESIUM LOTION  Moisturizing Spray C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Over two decades ago, I began exploring the widespread deficiency of magnesium as a major contributor to pain, depression, and even heart disease. Actually, magnesium is essential in 350 enzymes, which means its deficiency can cause ANY symptom and be a contributor to all…

D3 for Health and Longevity

D3 FOR HEALTH AND LONGEVITY D 3 for Health & Longevity C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Very low levels of vitamin D 3 (below 20 nanomoles/liter) increase your risk of dying OVER 100% greater than those with even low levels of D 3. In general, 50,000 units of D once a week is the least…

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