Happiness is an Inside Job

Lincoln is said to have said “I reckon people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” (I admit to changing from the masculine gender to the neutral). The Power of Positive Thinking is also a classic. In general, if you have air, water, food, clothes and shelter, there is little…

Crystal Bliss

Crystal BLISS C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. THE RING OF CRYSTAL The Ring of Crystal is for overall balance of the energetic system and to assist Regeneration. I found that daily stimulation of the ROC with GHz leads to 85% reduction in free radicals within a week or less, by far the best decrease in…

Zyflamend – The Best Anti-Inflammatory Herbal

ZYFLAMEND – THE BEST ANTI-INFLAMMATORY HERBAL C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Zyflamend contains 10 anti-inflammatory herbs, which are far safer than any NSAID! This product also has far more supportive research than any herbal I know. There have been definitive articles on: Joint health Prostate health—excellent for BPH and prostate cancer Breast health Lung health…

The More Research B-S

THE “MORE RESEARCH” B-S C. Norman Shealy, M.D. “Conventional” medicine has a constipated approach to virtually every new discovery. In fact throughout recorded history, in virtually every field of life, the establishment rejects new ideas. Remember being burned at the stake for suggesting the world is not flat or that the sun does not revolve…

Earth Bliss

As everyone knows by now, I have evaluated 5 different acupuncture circuits over the past 15 years. My initial evaluation and clinical work involved using human DNA stimulation of 54 to 78 billion cycles per second, provided by the Shealy PainPro. It takes 3 minutes per pair of points to activate the points electrically. Each…

Fire Bliss

FIRE BLISS Almost two decades ago, I discovered one of my most important approaches to health — stimulation of these 12 acupuncture points: • Kidney 3, bilaterally • Conception vessels 2, 6 and 18 • Bladder 22, bilaterally • Master of the Heart (Pericardium) 6, bilaterally • Large Intestine 18, bilaterally • Governing Vessel 20…

A Question of Will

A Question of Will C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D For over 50 years I have tried to understand why people have so many problems. In my medical career, I have worked with over 40,000 patients. In the past 41 years, I have seen over 30,000 patients with pain and/or depression, often with over 49 symptoms…


FLAX HULL LIGNANS Flax Hull Lignans C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D Everyone knows the benefits of flax seed oil. Do you know that flax seed lignans are equally good? They are anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-fungal and are powerful antioxidants, significantly improving immune function. They also reduce LDL cholesterol. It has long been known that lack of…

Death is Not A Side Effect

Death is Not A Side Effect DEATH is not a “Side Effect” C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Every known drug has a significant list of “side effects”, an oxymoron created by the PharmacoMafia to make the COMPLICATIONS seem minor! The July, 2000 JAMA reported that 106,000 Americans DIE each year from PRESCRIBED drugs. Many of…

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