Water Bliss

WATER BLISS C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Electrical stimulation of the Ring of Water normalized aldosterone which helps balance water, potassium and sodium. We also found earlier that electrical activation of the Rings of Fire and Water helped individuals lose weight. We have now tested the specific mixture of essential oils designed to stimulate the…

Green Coffee Bean Extract

GREEN COFFEE BEAN EXTRACT C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. I have been waiting for the right product and price to offer Green Coffee Extract. We are delighted to offer the NOW Green Coffee Diet Support at a price over 35% below comparable concentrations!. Green Coffee Bean Extract is loaded with many antioxidants, and the 50%…

Medical Mushrooms

Medical Mushrooms Last year I wrote a review of Mycelium Running. Meanwhile, as usual, I have continued searching the literature for scientific articles. It is somewhat surprising to find over 7000 scientific articles on mushrooms, with the research on Ganoderma, Cordyceps and Shitake leading the pack, making them the most popular alternatives for immune strengthening….

Herbs that Cause Hypertension

HERBS THAT CAUSE HYPERTENSION C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. There are many factors that contribute to hypertension, which is present in at least one-third of adults, and increasingly in children. Indeed, by age 60 at least 54% of Americans have hypertension. The following herbs are major potential contributors to hypertension: Aniseed Bayberry Blue Cohosh Broom…

The Value of Supplements

The Value of Supplements C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. In an 11 year study of over 14,000 male physicians given either Centrum Silver or placebo, there was a “modest but significant” decrease in total incidence of cancer. (JAMA, Nov. 14, 2012, vol 308, 1871-1880). This decrease was not nearly as great as the decrease in…

The Role of Medicine

The Role of Medicine In 1979 Dr. Thomas McKeown published THE ROLE OF MEDICINE–Dream, Mirage or Nemesis. Dr. McKeown stated that 92% of the increase in longevity achieved in the 20the century came not from Medicine but from improved sanitation and adequate food and protein! A review of the book by Dr. Franz Inglefinger, editor…

The Male Achilles Heel

The Male Achilles Heel C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Problems in the genitourinary tract plague men and women. The three big ones for men are: Prostatitis, often recurrent Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy–BPH Prostate Cancer Impotentia Decreasing testosterone after age 50 in most men For at least 20 years I have frequently said that I do not…

Light at Night is Unhealthy

Light at Night is UNHEALTHY On June 21 this year no less than the AMA House of Delegates voted to adopt policies based on a report by Richard Stevens, an epidemiologist at U. Connecticut, “Light Pollution: Adverse Health Effects of Nighttime Lighting.” Night light strikingly alters circadian rhythms that control a wide variety of hormones!…

Nitric Oxide

NITRIC OXIDE Dubbed the “Miracle Molecule”, (NO) is a gas naturally created in mammals that conveys information between cells. In the last decade researchers have found that NO is a signaling molecule of key importance for the cardiovascular system, regulating blood pressure and blood flow to different organs. In addition, discoveries surrounding nitric oxide’s role…

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