Creating Disease

CREATING DISEASE C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study is perhaps the most evil KNOWN research done by the U.S. Government.  It lasted from 1932 to 1972. Now there is a report which may well dwarf even that monstrous event. According to this report: the American Military geo-engineered a mycoplasma organism which…


sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage   ANTIBIOTIC PLAGUE C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.   Penicillin was discovered in 1928 but did not become widely available for well over 2 decades. Since then antibiotics have reproduced like hybrid rabbits and can save lives. BUT the misuse of antibiotics…


sHEALyWellness  Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage     PEANUT BUTTER GRANOLA Melt in a double boiler: 12 oz old fashioned peanut butter (Smuckers is best!) 4 oz butter or coconut oil 1/3 cup honey 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 teaspoons cinnamon Stir the liquid into 6 cups of old…

Living Bliss Interview with Eldon Taylor

sHEALyWellness  Subscribe to Newsletter  :  Events with Norm  :  Newsletter Archive  :  Homepage Tune in to my LIVING BLISS interview with Eldon Taylor,Wednesday, June25,  11 a.m. until 1 p.m. PACIFIC time; 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. CENTRAL time; 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. EASTERN; Living Bliss is my new book. The interview should be provocative and enlightening. You can also join in the chat room: The direct…


sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter : Events with Norm : Newsletter Archive : Homepage     JOIN ME IN ALASKA August 2-3, 2014 For TRANSCUTANEOUS ACUPUNCTURE CERTIFICATION & then The Best Salmon & Halibut Fishing in the World Where: Elks Lodge, Homer, Alaska Cost: $250 Includes Certification, Bliss oils & MP 3’s of the 5 Rings…

Opa Turmeric Toothbar

TUMERIC TOOTH BAR C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Some years ago I wrote about soap as the best cleanser for the teeth. Lo, and Behold, O’pa Tooth Bar was created by a local genius. She makes several flavors. Recently one of my enews subscribers recommended turmeric as a superior cleanser.  I tried it and it…


sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter : Events with Norm : Newsletter Archive : Homepage     VEGETARIAN BLISS C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. For decades I HAVE WARNED VEGETARIANS THAT THEY FACE TWO POSSIBLE NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES—Taurine and vitamin B 12, both found in animal protein. Taurine is considered a “conditionally” essential amino acid. It is deficient…


sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter : Events with Norm : Newsletter Archive : Homepage     LIVING BLISS: Major Discoveries Along the Holistic Path My 30th book is available! And see this Latest Discovery! One of our describers recently suggested that I tell everyone that I am sharing gold. And here is the Latest GOLD! Just…


  sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter : Events with Norm : Newsletter Archive : Homepage     ANXIETY C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Is anxiety or depression more common? It is indeed a toss-up. Both are reactions to FEAR of: Death Harm Loss of health, financial security, or love The great unknown-Existence itself! God, purpose, WHY?…

Bliss Now

  sHEALyWellness Subscribe to Newsletter : Events with Norm : Newsletter Archive : Homepage     Human Lifespan Could Double with New DNA-lengthening Therapy Telomeres are the tips of strands of human DNA and researchers say that it is the natural lifelong reduction in the length and integrity of these DNA tips which is responsible…

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