Turn Back Your Age with Your Benefits

How often have you said, “Now that I’m [insert an age] I’m too old to [insert an activity: go back to school, learn a language, fall in love, learn to dance, drive at night, get fit…]?” We’ve all been there. Whether you’re 25 or 90 years old, the clock always seems to be ticking. You…

Rewiring Your Brain

Is your brain wired for negative thinking? I have a video to share with you today that I think will change your life, and I don’t say that lightly. But before you watch it, let me first say this… A lot of people really beat themselves up over “negative thinking,” and you may be one…

Best Practices for Pain Free Living

An interview with Dr. Norman Shealy Live Pain Free® Intro [0:00] Active Behavioral Pain Modification [1:05] Control Pain with Sensory Biofeedback [6:39] Expanding the Electromagnetic Energy Field [10:50] Past Life Therapy [19:30] Dr. Shealy’s Resources: Website and Clinic [27:11] The Five Essential Habits [29:24] Taking Care of Yourself and Others [34:43] More Therapies to Explore…

How To Achieve Optimal Sleep

Here are Dr. Shealy’s recommendations for optimal sleep: Tryptophan 7000 mg in the morning Add Dr. Shealy’s Essentials 2 in the morning and Lithium orotate 15 mg in the morning Consider 400 to 600 mg of NAC and Acetyl-l-carnitine in the morning Do Autogenic Training twice daily Do not eat within 3 hours of going…

Immune Health

For at least one thousand years it has been noted that, even in the worst epidemic, some people do not become ill and some survive the illness. There are many immune system protectors, almost all of which are the result of your day to day habits. These habits can protect you from infections, cancer, heart…

Trusting My Intuition

An article based on Dr. Norm Shealy’s new autobiography, Conversations with G: A Physician’s Encounter with Heaven During medical school, my intuition got me into trouble. I made a diagnosis I was supposed to be unable to make, doing just a physical exam. The professor severely criticized me and accused me of cheating. Interestingly, two…

Prostate Cancer Prevention

Men and Ladies: Since men pay far less attention to health, ladies help your mates! There are many important reasons to help prevent the most common male cancer, of the prostate. Measure the levels of: 3alpha Adiol, 3 beta Adiol, and dihydrotestosterone. If 3beta Adiol is less that the total of 3 alpha Adiol plus…

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We are amongst the most qualified dental implant providers

Fummy text of the prnting and type news seting industrs standard known prin aretertook a printing and typenews galley type.Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis laore nostrud exerci tation ulm hedi corper turet ipsum Morbi accumsan ipsum velit. Nam nec tellus a odio tincidunt auctor a ornare odio. Sed non mauris vitae erat consequat…

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