Iodine – Critical Nutrient for Everyone

As I indicated in an earlier article, iodine deficiency is rampant and is a great contributor to low thyroid function. In the May 2005 issue of Dr. Jonathan V. Wright’s NUTRITION & HEALING newsletter, Dr.Wright, my favorite nutritionist, reports that breast cancer is twice as common in women taking thyroid supplements. He believes that much…

Flu Vaccine: Not to Worry

Despite all the angst over the shortage of flu vaccine, I am certainly not worried. In fact I do not get such a shot, despite the fact that I am exposed to many individuals, travel a lot and am over the age ‘recommended’ for vaccination. There are a host of reasons. First, many individuals have…

How To Correct Cholesterol Problems

Photo by Jessica Ruscello on Unsplash The first of the cholesterol problems that needs correction is the cholesterol hoax. The cholesterol hoax may be one of life’s most cruel ironies, as cholesterol is the foundation for most hormones and the nervous system. You manufacture cholesterol constantly and ten minutes of stress produces more cholesterol than you get from…

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