This product is a proprietary extract of North American ginseng, developed and available in Canada for 10 years and endorsed by their hockey association. Initial studies with the Edmonton Oilers reported that the players had fewer colds and flu. Researchers at Eastern Virginia Medical School conducted two separate double blind, placebo controlled studies, giving COLD-fX…

Chocolate Bliss: The Benefits Of Eating Dark Chocolate

The neurotransmitter anandamide initiates the blissful benefits of eating dark chocolate. According to Wikipedia: Anandamide, also known as arachidonylethanolamide or arachidonoylethanolamine or AEA, is a naturally occurring endogenous cannabinoid neurotransmitter found in the brain of animals, as well as other organs. It was isolated, and its structure elucidated by William Devane and Lumir Hanuš in…

Can We Afford Longer Life?

Can we financially or politically afford the potential of Americans to an average of 100 years? All that would have to change for a longer life expectancy to happen is for ALL Americans to: Avoid smoking, street drugs, and excess alcohol Keep a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 19 and 24 Eat a minimum of…

Biased Medical Research

At least every week there is another flawed research paper that achieves major media attention. And the big journals which publish these slanted, distorted results refuse to publish any letters critical of the establishment’s chosen path to Enlightment — drugs! One of the latest to earn my scorn is ”Homocysteine Lowering with Folic Acid and…


The March 22, 2006 JAMA has a super article on the adverse effects of BMI (page 1412-1419). In a study of over 27,000 ”healthy” women and using one of the most critical factors in health for risk of serious cardiovascular disease and cancer, High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein: Risk of CRP BEING > 3   Active…

Antioxidant Nutrition

Other than air and water, we need amino acids, essential fats, vitamins, minerals and a wide variety of antioxidants. There are eleven essential amino acids, a dozen essential vitamins, several essential fats and well over 5000 antioxidants. As I have discussed in earlier articles, we can live with a remarkable variety of diets – ranging…


Alzheimer’s disease appears to be increasing in frequency — either because of an aging population or increasing toxicity in our environment. To prevent Alzheimer’s disease, the following are most important: No smoking Body Mass Index between 19 and 24 At least 6 servings, combined of fruits and vegetables daily Physical exercise at least one hour…

Youth Formula

YOUTH FORMULA Seventeen years ago I became interested in DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone, undoubtedly the single most important hormone indicating your life energy or stress reserves. My first intuitive hit was to use natural progesterone. It worked well, raising DHEA up to 100% over baseline (average 60%). But if you start with a level of only 150ng/dl,…

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