Sauna – Hot Health

SAUNA—HOT HEALTH I recently revisited an article that originally intrigued me in 1981. Major Ward Dean (Medical Corp, USA) wrote that a moderately conditioned person consumed about 300 calories in a sauna, the equivalent of running 2 to 3 miles. This means that one might lose a pound of weight every 10 days with daily…


PRIMARY CARE – WILL IT SURVIVE? The August 31, 2006 NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE has an article with the above title by T. Bodenheimer, M.D., Professor at the Center for Excellence in Primary Care, U. of California, San Francisco. He reports that ''The American College of Physicians recently warned that 'primary care, the backbone…


POLICOSANOL AND THE STATIN WAR On May 17, 2006, the JAMA carried a mundane little article stating that policosanol was ineffective in reducing cholesterol (1). This rather odd, little article is remarkable in that it made international news. The NEW YORK TIMES, USA TODAY and even small city newspapers touted it as being quite the…


POMEGRANATE—A UNIQUE FOOD Protein, vitamins, essential fatty acids, minerals and antioxidants are the critical foods for health. Note that starch and sugar are not; glucose can be made from protein. Of course, I am not recommending that one eat only protein, but it is important to be reminded that protein is much more critical than…


PHYTONUTRIENTS—REAL FOOD I have long said that you would need no supplements IF you lived on an organic farm and raised all your own food, with no pesticides or herbicides, no exposure to the toxins of the world, etc. Of course for the past 100+ years a vast majority of individuals have not enjoyed that…


On May 3, 2006, JAMA had an interesting article, ”Association of Long-Distance Corridor Walk performance with Mortality, Cardiovascular Disease, Mobility Limitation and Disability”, p. 2018-2026. My first impression of this tedious title was to ignore the article. However, it emphasizes one of the most critical aspects of health. Just as halitosis is better than no…

Losing Weight and Cholesterol with the Broda Barnes Diet

Broda Barnes, M.D. published his classic book, HYPOTHYROIDISM: THE UNSUSPECTED ILLNESS in 1976, (Harper and Row). He felt that 40% of Americans suffered from hypothyroidism, as demonstrated by low body temperature. He emphasized the remarkable array of illnesses that were inadequately treated because of the failure of physicians to diagnose concurrent hypothyroidism: fatigue, migraine and…

Lipitor, Thief of Memory

Review of LIPITOR, THIEF OF MEMORY Statin Drugs and the Misguided War on Cholesterol This small gem of a book by Duane Graveline, M.D. (Infinity Publishing, Haverford, Pa., 2004), $17.95., supplemented with an introduction and a foreword by two other physicians, further documents the blindness of the medical profession to the evil goals of the…

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