The China Study – A Review

THE CHINA STUDY—A REVIEW THE CHINA STUDY-THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF NUTRITION EVER CONDUCTED AND THE STARTLING IMPLICATIONS FOR DIET, WEIGHT LOSS AND LONG-TERM HEALTH, by T, Colin Campbell. Ph.D. with Thomas M Campbell II, Benbella Books, Dallas, 2005, $24.95 Here is another excellent research study, which is indeed well done work, but which leads…

Sun Health

SUN HEALTH For many years dermatologists and physicians in general have been warning everyone to avoid sun. Obviously sunburn is dangerous and painful. But the avoidance of sun and its natural health benefits is having disastrous effects on health, increasing as one matures. There are many benefits from sunlight, from regulating pineal/pituitary function, to improving…

Silver for Health – Argentyn 23

SILVER FOR HEALTH-ARGENTYN 23 Colloidal Silver was widely used by physicians in the first 4 decades of the 20th century – at times it was given intravenously to cure otherwise fatal infections. Unfortunately when the PharmacoMafia introduced one antibiotic after another, use of silver was abandoned and even ridiculed by The Establishment. Now we have…

Sacred Contracts

SACRED CONTRACTS When I met Caroline Myss in 1984, I was intrigued by her remarkable Medical Intuitive ability and her concept that we have a contract in life to learn to use Power, Wisely, Responsibly and Lovingly. Over the years her insights led to her development of SACRED CONTRACTS (Harmony Books, N.Y., 2001), her best-selling…


SheLi TENS Starting in 1963 I began research to find a safe, non-surgical approach for pain. My lab experiments led me to extensive electrophysiological studies on pain. In 1965, Professor Pat Wall, then at MIT, sent me pre-publication a copy of his now-classic paper ”The Gate Control of Pain”. This prompted me to visit Pat…


SCIENCE — OR PAP? Science refers to the scientific method – a process for evaluating empirical knowledge— or ''knowledge'' obtained by careful observation, by deduction of the ''laws'' which ''govern'' principles or ''facts. Of course, as with every word, the meaning is in the mind of the beholder! Science 2000 years ago has little bearing…

Self-Healing: Brief Psychotherapy with WHEE

Self-Healing: Brief Psychotherapy with WHEE (Wholistic Hybrid derived from EMDR & EFT), and other approaches Click here for details of workshop to learn WHEE Click here to register for workshop (WHEE is not EMDR or EFT. See references to these, below) Clinical Explorations When I learned about psychotherapy as a teenager, I knew that was…

Reducing Free Radicals

REDUCING FREE RADICALS Free radicals are metabolic by-products of metabolism consisting of any molecules with an ”odd” number of electrons, mainly OH and HO2, which act as major oxidizing agents, damaging tissue just as oxygen rusts iron. The major biological changes associated with diseases, aging, and eventually death, are the result of excess free radical…

Red Tea – The Best Antioxidant Drink

Red Tea – The Best Antioxidant Drink Green tea has had a great deal of PR in the last few years and even regular black tea has some strong evidence for a positive effects on health. But Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) or Red tea has the best evidence of all–no caffeine, no calories, significant antioxidants, vitamin…

Resolutions for Optimal Health and Longevity in 2006

RESOLUTIONS FOR OPTIMAL HEALTH AND LONGEVITY IN 2006 The New Year is traditionally associated with resolutions to give up undesirable habits and to adopt more desirable, healthier ones. No approach could be more in harmony with Edgar Cayce’s concept of Mind as the Builder.Cayce’s concept of Attitudes and Emotions also fits perfectly with Ambrose Worrall’s…

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