Devil’s Claw

DEVIL’S CLAW With the enchanting name of Devil’s Claw, it is amazing that anyone ever tried this herb, Harpagophytum radix, which has had widespread use in treating a variety of pain problems, most commonly arthritic conditions. Analgesic, antiphlogistic and anti-inflammatory effects have been reported. Interestingly, the effects are not immediate and the pain relieving benefit…


DECLARATION OF COOPERATION Because of the course of human events, it has become necessary to declare the unity of Earth and all living things. We join together to save Earth and ourselves from our excessive self-interest. We will use our creativity to develop a world where all living things are free to enjoy the resources…

Eat Low Glycemic

You may be familiar with the glycemic index if you know someone with diabetes. People with diabetes eat low glycemic foods to help with managing their blood sugar. If you’re not familiar with the glycemic index, here is a quick definition for you. The glycemic index (GI) is a number from 0 to 100 that…

Cruciferous Veggies

The cruciferous veggies, also called brassica or the cole family, consist of: Arugula Bok choy Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Cauliflower Chinese cabbage Collards Daikon Horseradish Kale Kohlrabi Mustard greens Rutabaga Turnips Wasabi All of these highly nutritious vegetables are packed with a wide variety of health-enhancing goodies, including vegetable sterols (lower cholesterol and protect the…

Chlorine – WMD in Your Water

Chlorine has been known as a weapon of war for almost a century. And for most of that time chlorination of water has been the rule in the western world. There is no question that chlorination of water has reduced death from infectious diseases, especially in babies and young children. On the other hand, it…

How To Find Your Bliss Through Your Senses

BLISS – ECSTASY, EUPHORIA, RAPTURE, PARADISE, JOY, etc. These are the synonyms for bliss. If you are like virtually every other person on the planet, you spend much of your day in an attempt to find your bliss. In Sanskrit bliss is ANANDA. Our brains produce the cannabinoid, anandamide, our built-in chemical high! Interestingly anandamide…


ASKINOSIE CHOCOLATE Most of you have read my praise of CHOCOLATE BLISS. I told you there about one source for many fine chocolates from around the world. Now Springfield, Missouri, has one of the gourmet chocolate factories in the world, producing single source chocolate bars with NO fillers, lecithin, etc. You have a choice of…


I recently had the pleasure of hearing Dr. James Wilson talk on the subject of his book, ADRENAL FATIGUE—The 21st Century Stress Syndrome?, Smart Publications, Petaluma, Ca 94555, 2001, 2002, $14.95. Essentially, he lists 13 major predisposing factors. 31 significant symptoms, 13 energy patterns, 22 frequently observed events, 9 food patterns, 10 aggravating factors and…

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