BIOGENICS is our #1 recommended foundational training we provide as the backbone of the “mind” portion of “Mind, Body & Spirit.”
It is a guided path we have created for you to open up the mind, or the control center of your body, to improve every aspect of your life.
BIOGENICS Stress solutions provides the Biofeedback and Stress Solutions you need to live your best life everyday.
Here we have compiled our most frequently asked questions for your convenience so you can make the choice to get started on your holistic health journey with BIOGENICS!
This lead to the development of Biogenics and the book “90 Days to self health”.
Biogenics is the foundation for self-regulation & stress management, essential tools for survival in todays world.
They decided to further enhance BIOGENICS by taking Dr. Norm’s biofeedback training deeply rooted in humanistic psychology and combined it with Dr. Sergey’s powerful healing music and vibrational frequencies, to create now what is considered the best Biofeedback & Self-Regulation training in the world, BIOGENICS!
– Stress Solutions
– Reduce Stress & Reduce Anxiety
- Easy to Use Self-Regulation Techniques
- Holistic Stress Management Brain Training Meditations
- Natural Ways to Enhance Sleep & Relaxation
- Improve “DIS-EASE” Take Control of Your Health
– Increase Concentration & Creativity
– Foster Positive Thoughts, Energy & Emotions
- Achieve Brain Synchronization with Binaural Beats to improve mental clarity
- Increase Well-Being For Enjoyment of Life & Loved Ones
BIOGENICS is more than just a meditation because of the
– Powerful Biofeedback language with thousands of studies behind it,
– Binaural beats to put the brain into hemisphere synchronization which unlocks powerful & increase healing and training of the brain
– GAMMA Brain waves imprinted into the music to help reach a deeper meditative state faster for increased benefits
– 36,000 successful cases where conventional medicine has failed
– Taught by 2 word leading holistic physicians and you gain access to ask questions inside our private group
“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” is a common saying that we’ve all heard before. What if I told you that this concept is actually false? That’s right, no matter your age, you can master any new skill because your brain is constantly growing and learning. This is all thanks to a little something that we like to call neuroplasticity.
Neuroplasticity, also known as neural plasticity or brain plasticity, is a process that involves adaptive structural and functional changes to the brain.
Now, you can positively impact these adaptive structural changes or negatively impact them. The choice is yours and BIOGENICS can help you to positively impact.
Neuroplasticity is a fancy way of describing the human brain’s miraculous way of constant growth and adaptation. It was once believed that at a certain age, our brain’s pathways become fixed, and stop growing. This belief has since been disproven.
New experiences, knowledge, and information are owed credit to our brains ability to adapt and change throughout life. That’s right, your brain connections grow every time you learn a new skill. It creates new connections or synapses of the neurons inside your brain.
We can positively influence these connections and synapses inside our brains by delivering the right kind of message and training.
Let’s walk through an example:
** Let’s be clear one one thing first, this is not some simple glorified “positivity” – it is much deeper than that. **
Dishes in the sink or other small chores.
These can become MOUNTAINS to overcome for many people. Simply because that is the synapses and connections you have created in your mind!
“It takes so long to do the dishes!” “I hate doing the dishes!” “The dishes are the worst part about cooking.” are all common thoughts associated with dishes & other household chores.
Our connections we have created in our brain have put these activities into a negative connotation.
You may see a pattern here, where these statements have been said for many years, over and over. It has become almost the instant reactionary response you think, feel and projects as soon as a topic of “dishes” comes up.
Now I am NOT going to tell you this is some magic potion we can use so we just love doing dishes…
But I will tell you that you can change the connections in your brain to make “dishes” or “household chores” be less of a burden.
This is neuroplasticity and takes time. You can modify your routine thinking so that “dishes” are no longer just a negative.
Another example:
If you wake up everyday and you say to yourself “I love myself! Today is going to be a great day!”
It is likely you are happy and joyful for the day.
On the contrary, if you wake up every day and you say to yourself “I hate myself. Today is going to be a terrible day.”
It is like you will experience a negative day, low self esteem, negative mood and thoughts. It will not be a happy day.
Either one these statements have become the routine because that is the connection & synapses that have been created inside your brain and will trigger in the morning time.
Now it is possible to rewire these synapses to make positive change and influence them to be the way YOU want them to be.
Last example:
Every time you mess a task up, you may use negative language in your mind such as “I am not good at anything” or “I suck at this”. This can cause negative feelings and emotions when you are doing this activity.
This is an example of the training that has already been created inside your mind.
You can retrain with positive statements instead and using neuroplasticity, create positive outcomes.
“I am better than last try.” “My skill is growing.”
It takes time and work to retrain the connections.
BIOGENICS helps recreate these connections and synapses in the brain through neuroplasticity.
The belief that our brains stop growing after a certain age probably stems from the fact that your younger years are the most optimal time to learn new skills such as playing an instrument or learning a sport.
Just because childhood is the best time to master a skill doesn’t mean it is the only time. This is where the importance of neuroplasticity or the growth mindset comes in. With the right brain exercise and practice, you can keep growing your brain and even rewire it to make up for any negative thought patterns or narrowed thinking that you’ve developed over the years.
Have you ever felt like something just clicked?
Kind of like when you’re staring at a math problem or an essay prompt for hours and then finally, you seemingly magically understand the solution or the words finally start to flow.
That’s your brain, functioning, thriving, and growing.
When a task feels challenging, that is actually the feeling of your brain growing and learning.
Understanding the concept of neuroplasticity can give you the power to unlock your brains fullest potential. If you believe that your brain can’t grow anymore, then you’re closing the door on a whole world of information that could help you grow and function at your highest capacity.
We are only as efficient as we believe for ourselves to be.
Mastering a new skill causes more and more neurons to create pathways in the brain, kind of like a bridge connecting different areas.
This leads to the ability to learn and grow more and makes it easier to accomplish tasks that might have felt challenging at first. The more you learn, the more you can achieve. It’s kind of like a snowball effect!
Neuroplasticity And BIOGENICS®
BIOGENICS® might be your first step in rewiring your brain and keeping those pathways fresh and functional. This scientifically backed approach to overall wellness is rooted in a number of different holistic concepts that focus on healing the human mind and body as a whole.
When we think about wellness, we aren’t just worried about being physically well, being mentally well is just as vital.
Neuroplasticity is one of the fundamental principles behind BIOGENICS®. Our founders believe that you don’t have to settle for an unsatisfied life whether that means chronic illness, mental health issues, or an overall inability to manage life’s stressors. We know that every person has an endless potential, because the human mind is so incredibly powerful.
BIOGENICS® focuses strongly on the growth mindset approach. We know that you can achieve anything through the right amount of focus and determination.
We’ve seen the results first-hand. BIOGENICS® is like exercise for the brain, meditation practices and brain training help improve memory, focus, and can even help overcome anxiety, stress and depression.
Do you feel like you have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset?
If you tend to let life’s challenges stand in your way, it may be time to open your mind and accept that these challenges are a part of life.
Learning to embrace mistakes might be the best step you could take to grow, change, develop, and improve your overall wellness.
Some users have reported a noticeable difference within the very first BIOGENICS Biofeedback Brain Training Session.
Others it takes a little longer. You must be consistent and practice these trainings to get the best results. We suggest working with Autogenic Focus for the first 30-90 days for mastery. You are welcomed to add any of the other titles as soon as you like such as “Every Thought Is A Prayer” , “Pain Relief” and “Who Am I”.
For those of you who know us here at the Shealy-Sorin Wellness Institute, and those who are new, there are 2 things we stand by 1000%:
We USE BIOGENICS everyday in our own lives!
Bottom line:
BIOGENICS works when you use it and apply the teachings!
A completely stress free life is not possible in our world. But, the higher your stress level, the higher the need for self-regulation tools to manage stress and not allow the stress to enable the body & mind to slip into dis-ease. That is where BIOGENICS comes in!
Those who follow through and complete the course are expected to improve their quality of life, have a tool to cope with everyday stresses of life that are inevitable, and achieve better outcomes in all areas of life (health, wellness, career, personal, relationships) by obtaining homeostasis of the MIND, BODY and SPRIT.
Fantastic – we have more answers!
Send us an email: info @ RealHolisticDoc.Com (Remember to delete the spaces, we do that to keep the pesky internet robots away)
Call us : Between 9AM – 4PM Monday – Friday – (417) 467-2124

Rewire your Brain
BIOGENICS® is much more than a simple set of video lectures. It’s a complete blueprint which can transform your life and take it to the next level.

Lower Stress & Anxiety and Manage Pain
It’s really quite simple, we use sound treatment and brain waves synchronization to induce the same mental state associated with a meditation practice, but much quicker!

Achieve Neuroplasticity "Brain Training"
BIOGENICS® explores the science and cutting-edge research behind neuroplasticity, then teaches you how to harness its power and change the way your brain functions from the ground up to positively impact your life!
Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. is the father of holistic medicine. He recommends autogenic focus (Inside the Biogenics Online Course) as part of your overall commitment to self-health. Dr. Sergey Shealy-Sorin also recommends BIOGENICS as the foundation for the “MIND” component of “Mind, Body, Spirit.”
– Blessings, Love and Light,
Shealy-Sorin Wellness