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We need to develop a Local Food Economy.


This is the way to do it:  With the Aquaponics Project that Chief Cloudpiler of the Nemenhah Native American Church is starting, families can be provided about a bushel and a half, twice a week, year round, plus safe fish, for way, way under what people are already paying at the grocery store for what the Agricomafia has convinced us is “cheap food.”  And you get non-GMO food, grown without pesticide, herbicide, fungicide, or any other chemicals AT ALL!
Non-gardeners can receive Way Beyond Organic, Nutrient Dense, Toxin Free, veggies and fish all year round!  That’s right!  This is NOT a Seasonal Program.  You get your veggies and fish YEARROUND!
Come and join the Real Food for Health movement:


June 4, 2015 6:00 p.m.

Doubletree Hotel,

Glenstone & Kearney

Springfield, Missouri




sHEALyWellness | | | 5607 S. 222nd Rd.
Fair Grove, MO 65648