Norman Shealy, MD, PhD
Father of Holistic Medicine, Inventor of the TENS and President of Shealy-Sorin Wellness and Holos Energy Medicine Education
Sergey Leao Shealy-Sorin, MD., DABFM
Top Doctor of the Year in Holistic Medicine 2020, author, lecturer, CEO and Medical Director of the Shealy-Sorin Wellness Institute.
Weekly Wednesday Wellness Radio Show
Healthy Longevity Evaluation and Recommendations
Ask Your Health Questions With The Founder Of Holistic Medicine, Dr. Norm Shealy And The 2020 Holistic Doctor Of The Year, Dr. Sergey Sorin.
If you have unanswered questions or problems with depression, anxiety, immune problems, autoimmune disease, or any health related issue call for up-to-the- minute answers from top holistic health experts: 417- 447-1777.
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Dr. Rachel Shuck
What sets you apart from your competition? Is it your offerings? Your philosophies? Or your values? Whichever it is, highlight them on this page as separate pillars that build hold your brand aloft.
Dr. Amber Abernathy
What sets you apart from your competition? Is it your offerings? Your philosophies?
Or your values?
Whichever it is, highlight them on this page as separate pillars that build hold your brand aloft.
Chuck, or Jeana?
What sets you apart from your competition? Is it your offerings? Your philosophies? Or your values? Whichever it is, highlight them on this page as separate pillars that build hold your brand aloft.
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