Unless you live on a remote paradise island and grow all your own food, you need supplements daily. The world is over polluted with toxins ranging from human stupidity with radioactivity to pesticides, herbicides and fluoride. Air and rain circulate so even that remote island is likely polluted as well.
Of course, life expectancy only a hundred twenty years ago was in the low 50s, so even with the toxicity, improvement in handling sewage and a few medical advances have increased life span in this country to an average of seventy-nine.
92% or more are lacking vital nutrients & minerals for wellness
To put it plain and simple, we are NOT getting the same nutrients that were once available directly in the food supply. The soil has been depleted of magnesium, GMO (genetically modified organisms) have wreaked havoc on the available nutrients in our fruits and vegetables and the RDA’s coming from the “big guys” are far too low to make a real difference.
Below is the EXACT supplement regimen we recommend to patients who come to our clinic looking for relief from “dis-ease”, anxiety, depression and want to create health & wellness through holistic solutions!
Shealy-Sorin Essentials & Youth Formula Bundle – $49 per month (Save more if you purchase multiple)
Vitamin D 3 – $30 – Should last 6-12 months
Magnesium Spray – $23 per month
Astaxanthin – $33 per month
So start with these daily supplements as essentials.
Shealy-Sorin Essentials & Youth Formula
I get my vitamin B complex from Shealy-Sorin Essentials. Four capsules daily provideto 50 mg of the basic Bs and other basic vitamins.
Shealy-Sorin Youth Formula provides 2 grams of Vitamin C, reinforced with 1 gram of MSM (methyl sulfonyl sulphate). Taken at the recommended dosage, it provides 60 micrograms of molybdenum and beta glucans, the combination of which raises DHEA, the anti-stress hormone sixty percent.
My suggestion is for you to add the “Youth & Essentials” bundle as your daily foundation for wellness. It costs only $49.00 per month with the bundle and we offer discounts if purchase multiple months supply or you sign up for Autoship!
I can not stress enough how essential this one is to add!
Youth & Essentials is THE FOUNDATION to make ALL processes in your body work properly!

Vitamin D 3
50,000 units every 10 days for those adults under one hundred forty pounds; 50,000 units once a week for those over 140 pounds. This is perhaps the most essential for the immune system! If you ever feel a virus knocking at the door, take 150,000 units of D 3 three days in a row. Nothing is more important to prevent viral infections!Magnesium
One of the most essential supplements you need daily is magnesium. Magnesium deficiency contributes to every known disease – from anxiety to depression, cancer, atherosclerosis, fatigue, hypertension, etc. So, it is critical that you maintain a healthy magnesium level.
However, magnesium is not readily absorbed by taking a capsule or pill. The best way to get your daily dose of this important supplement is through the skin.
I use magnesium lotion. I apply just 2 teaspoons of the lotion on my skin twice daily.Astaxanthin
Most people have never heard of this supplement. Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant. It has been linked to healthier skin, endurance, heart health, decreased joint pain and may even have a future in cancer treatment.
As a daily supplement, you need 10 to 30 mg of astaxanthin daily.
Taking daily supplements is not the whole story when it comes to healthy longevity.
My daily supplements are just one facet of how I promote my healthy longevity. Here are some of the other practices I have adopted.
Common sense habits
IF and ONLY IF Americans had the common sense to keep their body mass index between 18 and 24, not smoke, eat the minimum of five servings of veggies and fruits daily (and optimal of eight or ten), exercise a minimum of 30 minutes at least 5 days a week, and sleep seven of eight hours every night, life expectancy would average one hundred years!Avoid junk
Unfortunately, there is a long list of junk that most American ingest daily. This junk includes fast-food, Asian restaurants with added MSG (I’m not sure there are any), all boxed, packaged and most canned foods, pop, wheat, potatoes, rice, sugar and cereals, toxic fluoridated water and virtually all over-the-counter and most prescribed drugs.
(Even 65 years ago aspirin was reported to kill about 16,000 people a year. Now a bunch of over-the-counter NSAIDS add to that toxicity and help produce collagenous or lymphocytic colitis!)Drink plenty of non-fluoridated water
You need a minimum of half your body weight in pounds in ounces of non-fluoridated water daily! And, no, coffee, tea, beer and juices do not count as water!Restore DHEA
The most important hormone in the body is DHEA, the anti-stress hormone, with peak production at age 25. Cumulative stress leads to progressively less DHEA, so that by age 50 most have lost 50% of their DHEA.
Ideally that is time to start MAKING DHEA, not taking it! You can restore your DHEA by taking Shealy-Sorin Essentials, Shealy-Sorin Youth Formula, Eugesterone cream, our Magnesium Lotion, and using Fire Bliss.Youthaments
My favorite youthful longevity system: using Fire Bliss, Earth Bliss and Crystal Bliss daily. This combination of oils regenerates your telomeres a whopping 3.5 years EACH year! These are not supplements. They are Youthaments. Or spend an hour a day on the RejuvaMatrix® and it will also regenerate your telomeres 3.5 years each year too.
However, not everyone is looking at taking daily supplements because they are currently healthy. Some begin their exploration of supplementation after something has happened to decrease the quality of their life.
These are the daily supplements to add if you have any immune problem or virtually any medical diagnosis.
If you have any immune problem or virtually any medical diagnosis, you need the benefits of mushrooms, such as shitake, lion’s mane, bacopa.
And you need significant alkalinizing foods daily. These include almonds, apricots, bananas, basil, beans, beef, bergamot, black tea, black berries, blue berries, brazil nuts, broccoli, carrots, celery, chicken, cinnamon, curry, dill, eggs, fish, garlic, ginger, kale, kefir, oats, onions, parsley, piperine, rosemary, sweet potatoes, turmeric, and walnuts.
Combine all the habits, nutrition, and activities with the Biogenics® Course and you have the potential to live 125 to 160 HEALTHY, HAPPY, PRODUCTIVE years.
If health and happiness are your goal, I encourage you to follow my advice and my personal example. It is far more fun to have healthy longevity.
Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. is the father of holistic medicine. He recommends autogenic focus (the basis of the Biogenics System) and Shealy-Sorin Essentials & Youth Formula as part of your overall commitment to self-health.