

A Synopsis of Documented Clinical and
Scientific Evidence That Life Is Never-Ending
by Mark Pitstick, MA, DC


Documented clinical and scientific evidence by respected physicians and university professors now clearly indicates that no one really dies. An afterlife exists for all or, more accurately, life is never-ending despite outward change. Many potential benefits -including personal and global transformation-accompany knowing this evidence.


Four categories of this evidence include:

1. Near-Death Experiences (NDEs): Tens of thousands of documented cases exist in which clinically dead persons accurately saw-while their eyes were closed and their bodies were in an ER or ICU-events that occurred around, outside, and even on top of the hospital. These cases are most impressive when they occur in blind persons and little children as reported by Raymond Moody, MD, PhD, Ken Ring, PhD, and a host of other researchers. Further, 16% of NDErs have experienced life-previews in which they saw future events over which they had no control. As reported by Bruce Greyson, MD, and others, their visions of the future were recorded by doctors and, over time, unfolded just as seen during the NDE. Finally, miraculous cures, such as that of Anita Moorjani, author of Dying To Be Me, have occurred during NDEs and have been confirmed by pre-and post-medical records.

2. Scientific Studies: Gary Schwartz, PhD-former Yale and Harvard professor, now at the University of Arizona-conducted repeated, double-blind, peer-reviewed, journal-published studies. His group of allegedly authentic mediums had an 87% success rate when psychically reading subjects they had no contact with. The control group had only a 23% success rate. The statistical probability of that difference occurring by chance is miniscule. Dr. Schwartz’s research has been closely monitored by other scientists, videographers, and magicians; none could find any flaws in his methodology.


Ian Stevenson, MD, chairman of the psychiatry department at the University of Virginia Medical School, researched the topic of children’s past life memories for sixty years. He and his research team substantiated over 3000 cases in which children from all continents accurately remembered a past life. Their memories were documented in a number of ways including one or more sets of birthmarks that correlated with death wounds in the previous time and place.


3. After-death Contacts (ADCs) have been experienced by over 75 million Americans: 25% of the general population, 66% of widows/widowers and 75% of bereaved parents.   ADCs involve perceiving, with the usual senses or more ethereal ones, departed loved ones and occur in the waking and dream states. In evidential ADCs, information or evidence was obtained that could not have been known unless, indeed, a deceased spirit was making contact. These have been reported by esteemed physicians such as Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, MD, and Carl Jung, MD.


4. Perinatal Experiences (PNEs)refer to awareness in the time period just before, during and after birth. Research by David Chamberlain, MD, Stan Grof, MD, David Cheek, MD, and others indicates that a wise and objective consciousness resides within the newborn baby. Further, PNEs point to a preexistence of awareness, a consciousness that predates human birth.


Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is a multi-author, chiropractic physician, clinical psychologist, frequent media guest, and lecturer who helps others know and show they are infinite and integral parts of life.

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